Friday, July 2, 2010

ISTE 2010 Reflections - The Sequel

My last blog post was more of an over all day by day account of my ISTE 2010 experience.
That really helped me to document the non-stop action of this amazing week.
However, as I reread the post I don't think I was able to accentuate the lighter side of my days in Denver. I am sure I will come back and make revisions as the ISTE fog lifts. So, here is a collection of quotes and anecdotes from Denver:

  • "Kim, Stairs!" - watching out for the safety of KimberlyW
  • "I know where I'm going, the streets are just crooked" - my comment about driving on the oddly laid out streets of downtown Denver
  • "I want to be a mohel (person who does circumcisions)" - said by KevinH after being given a Hebrew name (Chaim)
  • "Mohel's work for tips" - bad joke told by LFeld52
  • "I'm your first groupie" - said by SDSherry after carrying my poster
  • "Hi Phil!" - Half of our PLN accidentally thought Shirky17's name was Phil! It's Paul...
  • "I lost my..." - Unfortunately, I misplaced just about everything this week
  • Kevin's computer bag...35 pounds of disorganization. SDSherry to the rescue!

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