Thursday, March 19, 2009

You know YOU are getting old when...

Thanks to Kevin Honeycutt I am continuing my blog posts relating to age...

You know YOU are getting older when...
Your job is to reply and add your examples!


Ouida said...

When you are not asked for your driver's license when being offered the Senior Discount.

Scottley said...

the walk across the room requires planning a strategy....

Anonymous said...

the music of your youth is your children's "oldies."

Anonymous said...

...when I sound exactly like your parents in your previous blog post.

Anonymous said...

when you go into a room and can't remember why you went in there.

Anonymous said...

When someone else on your staff mentions their age and you know 100% you could be their parent.....and not just because of a teen pregnancy, but in your 20's or later.

Ted S said...

when you take off your hat, people are amazed you are not bald

samdamting said...
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samdamting said...

Wow! I must be getting older 'cause I hit all of them.

Brenda Muench said...

When your hairdresser asks, "So is this gray hair a choice or just laziness?"