Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Flat Stanley

Stanley's travels are now beginning. Our special eduction class at Lux Middle School in Lincoln Nebraska, which consists mostly of moderate to severe students, have been hearing about the book Flat Stanley by Jeff Brown.

Stanley is flattened when a bulletin board falls on him. This does not stop him from having adventures. He is just the right shape to be put in an envelope and be mailed around the world! Imagine what he will see when he arrives at his destinations. Who will he meet? What activities will he join in to?

This is where you can help out...If you are willing to have Stanley mailed to you (snail or email) we would be more than happy to share him with you. This adventure will last throughout the entire school year. This gives plenty of time to invite Stanley to hang out with you.

I have started a "glog" to track some of the adventures. Stop by often!


Anonymous said...

My kids were pretty excited to have Stanley come visit! We might get some more pictures in around the area, but I'll also try to hold onto him in case of travel.

Anonymous said...

It's quite ironic that my daughter and I started reading "Flat Stanley" tonight. We read a couple chapters and then I go to my computer and look at my twitter and here is a link to a blog about the same book. I showed my daughter your blog and she was instantly excited. We live in O'Neill, NE. Maybe we should have "Stanley come and Visit us. Cool Idea.

Lori Feldman said...

Feel free to keep Stanley as long as you like. This project will continue for the whole year. That gives him time to go overseas as well!

Lori Feldman said...

Send your requests to:

Unknown said...

We would love to have a Stanley at out house for the near future. My son goes to Lux, and will be going to Colorado for Spring Break. I think that Stanley would have a great time learning to snowboard and visiting Colorado. We could also send him to South Dakota to visit his sister and meet some of her friends also. I look forward to hearing your response!!

Traci Mersch